Current affairs
What important requirements did Xi Jinping put forward during his visit to Henan?
Click:605 Time:2019-09-20

Xinhua Pan Zidi

From September 16 to September 18, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Henan Province. What are the characteristics of this expedition? What are the important requirements put forward by the General Secretary? The original brand column "Workshop" of Xinhua News Agency "Learning in Progress" launched an article today to read for you.

From September 16 to 18, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Henan Province for investigation. He went deep into the old revolutionary areas, countryside and enterprises in Xinyang and Zhengzhou, emphasizing the importance of earnestly implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party, adhering to the general tone of steady progress, adhering to the new concept of development, coordinating the work of steady growth, promoting reform, restructuring, benefiting people's livelihood, preventing risks and ensuring stability, and laying down three major challenges. The war will promote sustained and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability, constantly enhance people's sense of access, happiness and security, and strive to take the lead in the rise of the central region, composing a more brilliant chapter in the new era.

This is another visit to Henan by the General Secretary five years later. On the eve of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, Xi Jinping made a series of important requests on his visit, which had rich implications.

"Don't forget the digger when drinking water"

Xinyang County in Dabie Mountains is the capital of Hubei, Henan and Anhui Soviet Area. The Soviet Area of Hubei, Henan and Anhui is one of the bases established by the Communist Party of China during the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War. It is the second largest revolutionary base area after the Central Soviet Area. It has produced many main Red Army forces and created the miracle that "the Red Flag will not fall in 28 years".

On the afternoon of the 16th, Xi Jinping first came to the martyrs'cemetery in the capital of Hubei, Henan and Anhui Soviet areas. He looked at the monument and Memorial Hall of revolutionary martyrs and the theme sculpture of "Red Flag Flying" on Heroes Mountain. In front of the monument, Xi Jinping laid a flower basket and bowed three times to the revolutionary martyrs, deeply remembering the heroic children who had sacrificed their precious lives for the victory of the revolution.

This scene is full of affection and is not unfamiliar.

Every time he visits the old revolutionary areas for investigation, Xi Jinping visits the revolutionary historical memorial sites and recalls with you the years of hard struggle and hard work of his forefathers when they explored the revolutionary road.

During this trip to Henan, Xi Jinping took the martyr cemetery, the capital of Hubei Henan Anhui Soviet Area, as the first stop, to remember the martyrs and to comfort the heroes. When it comes to celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the General Secretary's arrangement is obviously of profound significance.

As he emphasized, "Never forget to dig wells when you eat water." Red rivers and mountains are hard-won. Millions of revolutionary predecessors exchanged their blood for them. We must remember where the red regime came from and always remember the revolutionary martyrs.

Xi Jinping emphasized that to carry out the theme education of "never forget the first heart and remember the mission", the majority of Party members and cadres should continue to receive red traditional education, consolidate and sublimate their ideals and beliefs, firmly follow the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, strive to achieve the goal of "two hundred years" and comfort the revolutionary martyrs.

"Not only to get rid of poverty, but also to get rich"

"It is incomplete for us to achieve the goal of the first century and build a well-off society in an all-round way without a well-off society in the old districts, especially without the poverty-stricken people in the old districts getting out of poverty and getting rich." This is what General Secretary Xi Jinping often said.

Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the quality of life of the people in the old districts. The fight against poverty has achieved brilliant results. How to establish a hematopoietic mechanism and enhance the endogenous motive force of the people in the old areas from poverty eradication to prosperity is a question that Xi Jinping has been thinking about during his investigation.

Come to Tianpu Township, Tianpu Dacheng, Xinxian County, to investigate the Creator Shop; come to Huaidian Township, Guangshan County, to investigate the oil tea industry; come to Dongyue Village, Wenshu Township, Guangshan County, to inspect the special products... It is not difficult to see that Xi Jinping is particularly concerned about the development of rich industries.

—— To develop rural tourism, we should not carry out large-scale demolition and construction, but adapt to local conditions, guide the situation, and transform and protect traditional villages.

—— Farmers should be organized to face the market, promote the "company + farmer" model, and establish a mechanism of interest linkage, so that all parties can benefit from it.

—— We should adhere to the path of green development, promote new technologies, develop deep processing, make the Camellia oleifera industry better and bigger, and strive to achieve economic development, increase farmers'income and good ecology.

—— We should actively develop e-commerce and express business in rural areas, broaden the channels of agricultural products sales and increase farmers'income. Attention should be paid to economizing on environmental protection, eliminating excessive packaging, and avoiding waste and pollution of the environment.


Under Xi Jinping's careful guidance and continuous recruitment, it is an important task to explore a long-term mechanism for stabilizing poverty alleviation. Xi Jinping said that in order to overcome poverty, we should not only support our wisdom but also our will. We should not only transfuse blood, but also make blood. We should establish a hematopoietic mechanism to enhance the endogenous motive force for wealth and prevent poverty return. To carry forward the spirit of self-reliance and self-improvement, we should not only get rid of poverty, but also become rich. We should continue to run on the road to becoming rich and lead to a better life of greater wealth.

Xi Jinping encouraged us to take off the hat of poverty and not relax our spirit of tackling difficulties. The pursuit of a better life is the eternal theme and the time of eternal progress.

"Improving China's Manufacturing Industry and Real Economy"

Manufacturing industry is the basis of the real economy, which is the cost of China's development and an important support to build strategic advantages for future development. Revitalizing the real economy and promoting high-quality economic development are often mentioned in Xi Jinping's local expedition, which is also an important part of his expedition.

On the afternoon of the 17th, Xi Jinping came to Zhengzhou Coal Mine Machinery Group Co., Ltd.

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